Stop OVER-ANALYZING IF PEOPLE LIKE YOU, connect with others more meaningfully, and BE AUTHENTICALLY CHARISMATIC–

with evidence-based practices.

Hey friend, I’m Jewel! I need you to know this: our society has created a culture of social anxiety and loneliness, BUT we do not have to suffer until it changes..

Due to my education course load increasing,

At the end of September, I will limit spots and no LONGER HAVE pricing tiers!

Research shows overcoming high-functioning social anxiety can be done with implementing a few practices. 

Research shows creating connection, including close friendships, can be simple to create. 

Research shows we can create more authentic self-confidence through self-accepting habits.

Over 4,000 hours of coaching with this research shows that IT WILL CHANGE YOUR ENTIRE LIFE.

I created my 6 month coaching program to help you apply this research to your life and become your most socially delighted self.

quiet your inner critic + become your most authentically charismatic self with evidence-based practices to:

1. Stop Overthinking with Nurturing Mind Management:

  • Learn how your brain works to better manage reactions and emotions

  • Learn a self-coaching tool that is rooted feminist perspective, so you can work WITH your brain and emotions (and not against your brain and emotions) to embrace imperfection and become resilient to rejection

  • Replace habitual self-criticism and over-analyzing with self-loving self-talk

2. Unshame Yourself and Build Joyful Authenticity:

  • Use the science of self-compassion to replace shame with understanding

  • Practice embracing and owning every part of you— including your flaws

  • Learn more about your authentic gifts and practice admiring, appreciating, and ADORING who you are

3. Superconnector Skills:

  • Increase your capacity to feel more connected to others

  • Develop skills that allow you to click with more people effectively

  • Utilize insights from understanding your particular brain, use your favorite emotional regulation techniques, and use your gifts to give you a structure your social interactions —— tailored to you!

4. Build Meaningful Friendships/Relationships:

  • Apply the science behind close, aligned, fulfilling friendships and relationships without people-pleasing, over-extending yourself, or adding more to your plate!

  • Develop the skills to set boundaries, ensure your emotional needs are met, and you receive the support you desire in relationships


24 weekly, tailored-to-you, zoom coaching sessions with Jewel

Valued at $8k 

Unlimited, global messaging for in-between session guidance & support

Valued at $2k 

No B.S. video modules, worksheets, and action steps, with modules like: owning your flaws, create connection faster, stop overthinking, and get the support you want

Valued at $3k

These are not numbers we just made up! I had my assistant do market research!

You get ALL of this for a FRACTION of those prices!

This ain’t a weekend retreat (though, let’s do some of that in the future for fun, shall we?).

This is 6 months to lasting change, new skills, and knowledge you’ll have forever!

Until the end of september, I OFFER

Pay-what-supports-you pricing

FOR my 6 month 1:1 program

This means in the consultation, I’ll show you 3 tiers ranging from $1600 to $4000 USD and you will tell me which one of the 3 tiers fits your situation. No questions asked!

By choosing a higher pricing tier, you are helping me afford to help people with less economic privilege!

Due to my education course load increasing, I will only be able to take on a limited number of clients. At the end of September 2024, I will no longer have pricing tiers!

What’s possible for you?

Look at what clients from AGES 14 to 62 have done

what might you add to this list?

Mariah got complimented with “I have never met someone that is just so themselves” and now identifies as a “very magnetic person” and grew both of her businesses through CONNECTING with her clients

Saren “completely unfiltered herself and unleashed her inner light”

Caitlyn completely changed her relationship with her partner, and has “blown her mind” with all of her meaningful friendships as she used to think “that just wasn’t possible for her”!

Tommy went from “no one will date me” to having a girlfriend, putting himself out there, and creating a community of new friends when he moved!

Lauren’s confidence has been getting noticed for months! Many people have told her “omg your confidence has really grown recently”!

Anonymous went from “I don’t have time” and “this takes a lot of effort” to being more honest with her people and “my friendships help me fill up my cup”. Anonymous also “fixed a 40 year problem” with her partner after applying just one module!

Eliza was afraid she would struggle to make friends traveling alone and now she is making friends everywhere, prioritizing friends back at home, and courageously growing her TikTok account!

Bettina said "I have never felt more peace, confidence, and stability. I confidently stand behind my decisions. Coaching not only helped me overcome negative thoughts I had about my identity and confidence, but also improved the way I worked, created motivation for difficult tasks, and resolve conflict in relationships. It was truly the best decision I have ever made for myself. "

Got a question?

I have some answers!

  • Pick a consult time and then answer some questions! We will have a consult that will be up to 1 hour long- where we will discuss if this is a fit for you. If it is, then I will get you onboarded and booked!

    If I think your needs other services that go beyond my scope of practice, I will refer you out/send you some resources. So either way, we got you!

  • I am jazzed to work with you, but we are still gonna have the consultation so I can make sure it is the best fit (because I run my business from my ethics and values and I make sure someone isn’t signing up for help with trauma or something).

    But if we both agree it is a great fit, we will spend the rest of the consultation getting you set up in the program and customizing your specific plan for the program- instead of doing that in your first session. So you’ll just be ahead, you go getter!

  • Depends! I have 2 recommended schedules for going through the program: one for those with time and one for those with a full calendar. Average is 50 minutes (for the call) and 45 mins for videos and worksheets… but also, it is really fun.

  • Easy peasy checklist, is this you: beating yourself up after hanging out with people, wishing you were like “one of those people” with those attractive personalities, not feeling important to the people you have in your life, wanting to create new friendships, have some confidence but just overthink social settings, have been to therapy/done work on yourself before.. I made this for you!

    THIS PROGRAM IS NOT FOR.. people wanting to work through trauma, people that don’t think relationships are important, people that want me to tell them “the right way” to show up to social events, people that want help with severe depression or anxiety.

  • Can you watch a ton of videos relevant to connection and confidence.. And then put yourself through a 6 month process, journal, and coach yourself to increase your confidence in social settings and create meaningful relationships on your own?... You can do that! For a lot of people, it will probably take way more time (possibly years- if ever) and frustration of figuring it out, but that might not be you! Trust yourself with whatever you want to do.

  • Kinda. I host workshops from time to time where you can befriend my other private clients and mastermind with them. But my goal is to help YOU create the community in YOUR life, so you don’t need one inside this online program.

    HOWEVER.. there is fun stuff coming my one-on-one people may be included in!

  • I understand that things happen!

    Our coaching agreement can be cancelled, but there will be a fee. It is a lot of work behind the scenes for my team to onboard, off-board, and move schedules around for clients. So, this fee covers the cost and labor of that.

    It is unlikely, but sometimes I will cancel coaching agreements with clients if I deem coaching not appropriate for them at this time. This is very rare due to my extensive consultation process. If I cancel the coaching agreement, then the error is on me and you will not be required to pay a fee.

  • I have worked with tweens to retirees! I find this program is best for those 13 and up. I know you are invested in your child's growth, and it is important for your child to feel comfortable sharing with me. So, when I work with those under 18, I send a voice memo to a parent/guardian after each session to give an update on their child’s progress- while respecting your child’s privacy by keeping details private. It is unlikely due to my consultation process, but if I am ever concerned for your child's safety (including mental well-being), I will immediately inform you.

"Since working with Jewel, I have seen a night and day change in my confidence, my self awareness, and my self control. I notice, and people around me notice.”

2 years later: 

"Just saw your story and wanted to say that what you taught me is in fact in my bones and I'm better for it everyday.”

- Talal



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How to Belong At Any Event AND How to Turn People You Meet Into Friends