"Am I the a**hole for expecting them to ask better questions to get to know me?" and The Art of Conversation

Welcome home, lovely!

In this episode of the Socially Delightful Podcast, Jewel explores the art of conversation and addresses a listener's question about feeling unseen in family interactions. She delves into the complexities of social dynamics and offers practical advice for those struggling to feel heard and valued in conversations.

Jewel begins by unpacking a listener's frustration with her family-in-law, who seem disinterested in getting to know her. She emphasizes the importance of self-nurturing and recognizing one's own worth, while also considering the broader context of group dynamics. The episode offers strategies for communicating needs effectively and creating opportunities for more meaningful interactions.

The discussion then shifts to the broader topic of conversation skills. Jewel explains the concept of speech accommodation and its role in building rapport. She also highlights common conversation pitfalls like interrupting, story-topping, and bright-siding, providing listeners with tools to recognize and address these behaviors.

Throughout the episode, Jewel underscores the power of vulnerability and reciprocity in fostering genuine connections. She shares practical frameworks for initiating and maintaining engaging conversations, empowering listeners to create more fulfilling social experiences.

Tune in for an insightful exploration of conversation dynamics, filled with actionable tips to help you feel more seen, heard, and connected in your social interactions. Whether you're navigating family gatherings or seeking to improve your overall communication skills, this episode offers valuable guidance for becoming more socially delighted.

In this episode:

  • 13:26 Seeing and Nurturing Oneself

  • 22:17 Communicating Desires and Getting Needs Met

  • 30:16 The Art and Science of Conversation

  • 36:33 The Power of Attention in Conversation

  • 39:23 Breaking Bad Conversation Habits

  • 43:30 Communicating Your Needs in a Conversation

  • 51:12 Creating a Successful Dialogue: Asking Questions and Sharing Stories

  • 58:02 Embracing Social Imperfection and Offering Grace

  • 01:04:40 Gratitude and Engagement



Meet your host, Jewel!

Jewel is on a mission to create a more connected world. For the past four years, she has been helping clients embrace their authentic selves, overcome social overthinking, and build meaningful connections. Jewel’s journey began with her own struggles in social situations—often feeling not fun or interesting enough and constantly comparing herself to others. Through studying psychology, self-esteem, confidence, and belonging, and with the guidance of her first coach, she discovered what Brene Brown calls true belonging: confidently sharing who you are and feeling strong even when standing alone.

Today, Jewel is committed to helping over 10,000 people create true belonging within themselves and connect more deeply with others.


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