Medium friends cause the most distress (& what to do if you are someone’s low-priority friend)

Welcome home, lovely!

In this episode, Jewel tackles the intriguing world of medium-tier friendships - you know, the ones that aren't your ride-or-die but definitely more than just Facebook acquaintances. She shares some eye-opening insights from a recent workshop that had participants rethinking the way they approach their friendships.

We dive into why these "in-between" relationships matter more than you'd think, affecting everything from your work life to your overall well-being. Jewel unpacks the unique challenges of these friendships, like the awkward dance of figuring out who to prioritize and when.

Get ready for some practical advice on being a stellar medium friend without losing your sanity, and how to navigate the murky waters of friendship expectations. Jewel also connects the dots between self-worth and how we show up in these relationships, offering some food for thought that might just change your approach.

By the end, you'll have a fresh perspective on friendship as an ever-evolving art form. Whether you're a social butterfly or more of a selective socializer, this episode's got something for everyone looking to enhance their friendships.

In this episode:

  • 07:22 Adding Context to the Article

  • 11:42 Understanding Top Tier and Medium Friendships

  • 14:49 The Lack of Clarity in Prioritization

  • 17:50 The Challenges of Medium Friendships

  • 24:01 The Importance of Medium Friendships

  • 29:56 The Value of Medium Friendships

  • 34:45 Building a Diverse Tapestry of Relationships

  • 35:05 Navigating the Dynamics of Medium Friendships

  • 42:30 Avoiding the Pitfalls of Taking Medium Friendships Personally

  • 43:53 Tips for Having Open and Loving Conversations

  • 52:42 Embracing Self-Acceptance and Self-Value

  • 56:53 Building Meaningful Connections: Effort and Investment


Meet your host, Jewel!

Jewel is on a mission to create a more connected world. For the past four years, she has been helping clients embrace their authentic selves, overcome social overthinking, and build meaningful connections. Jewel’s journey began with her own struggles in social situations—often feeling not fun or interesting enough and constantly comparing herself to others. Through studying psychology, self-esteem, confidence, and belonging, and with the guidance of her first coach, she discovered what Brene Brown calls true belonging: confidently sharing who you are and feeling strong even when standing alone.

Today, Jewel is committed to helping over 10,000 people create true belonging within themselves and connect more deeply with others.


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