How Stress Impacts Our Serotonin & Rejection Sensitivity (and what to do about it!) with KIMBERLY JARMAN

Welcome home, lovely!

In this episode, Jewel teams up with Kimberly Jarman to unravel the fascinating connection between serotonin, self-confidence, and our ability to bounce back from rejection. It's like a science class, but way more fun and actually useful in real life!

Kimberly shares her journey from therapist to coach, emphasizing the importance of looking at the whole person - including the invisible stuff happening in our brains and bodies. They dive into how chronic stress can throw our internal chemistry out of whack, and why a holistic approach is key to feeling our best.

But don't worry, it's not all science jargon. Jewel and Kimberly break down complex ideas into bite-sized, actionable insights. They explore how stress isn't just "all in your head" - it's a full-body experience that can impact everything from your heart rate to your hormones.

The dynamic duo also tackles the myth that you can just "eat your way to happiness." Spoiler alert: it's not that simple, but they've got some solid tips to help you along the way.

Perhaps most importantly, they discuss how developing self-compassion and creating a sense of safety in your body can be game-changers for building confidence and becoming less sensitive to rejection. It's like giving yourself an internal hug and a pep talk all at once.

Whether you're a science nerd, a self-improvement junkie, or just someone who wants to feel a bit more confident and resilient, this episode serves up a perfect blend of knowledge and practical advice. Get ready to understand yourself a little better and maybe even make friends with your stress response!

In this episode:

  • 02:47 Transition from Therapy to Coaching

  • 03:58 The Impact of Serotonin on Self-Confidence and Rejection Resilience

  • 08:18 Addressing the Whole Human: Biochemistry and Neuroscience

  • 13:01 The Role of Stress in Neurotransmitter and Hormone Imbalances

  • 23:30 A Holistic Approach to Supplementation for Optimal Brain Function

  • 30:23 The Limitations of Traditional Therapy in Addressing Trauma

  • 32:21 Understanding the Biochemical Impact of Stress

  • 35:42 The Relationship Between Stress and Inflammation

  • 39:54 Developing a Relationship with Emotions for Confidence

ABOUT Kimberly Jarman

Kimberly Jarman, with a Master’s in Counseling, is a dynamic Mental Performance Coach dedicated to empowering women to reach their full potential. She transforms high performers into disruptors, guiding them to harness neuroscience-based mindset coaching and biohacking tools. Kimberly helps women develop self-worth, confidence, and resilience, enabling them to become the leaders and change-makers they aspire to be.

Kimberly’s holistic approach breaks the exhausting cycles of overworking and constant striving, optimizing brain function for clearer thinking, enhanced creativity, and aligned action. Her methods foster better health, energy, and well-being, equipping women to build impactful lives, careers, and businesses with ease, all while safeguarding against burnout. With Kimberly, women unlock the power to think, feel, and perform at their highest potential, truly living the lives they were meant to lead.

Connect with Lucy:


Meet your host, Jewel!

Jewel is on a mission to create a more connected world. For the past four years, she has been helping clients embrace their authentic selves, overcome social overthinking, and build meaningful connections. Jewel’s journey began with her own struggles in social situations—often feeling not fun or interesting enough and constantly comparing herself to others. Through studying psychology, self-esteem, confidence, and belonging, and with the guidance of her first coach, she discovered what Brene Brown calls true belonging: confidently sharing who you are and feeling strong even when standing alone.

Today, Jewel is committed to helping over 10,000 people create true belonging within themselves and connect more deeply with others.


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